This is where we turn your digital product ideas into profitable offer suites, step by step.
Let’s monetize your experience with an offer thats suits YOUR vision and needs.
1:1 Slack support is the most affordable way to get on-demand support, to the extent you need!
Make big moves with confidence and explore the next best step for you and your vision.
Slack support is the most flexible way to receive the guidance, feedback and inspiration you need. We’ll connect via text or voice messages, you’ll get feedback directly in your documents and receive video guides where necessary.
Explore if that might be the best fit for you!
This 14-day Challenge will guide you through all of the key elements of turning your idea into online course.
You’ll learn how to organize your ideas, outline your course, design your educational materials, choose the best platform and get it all launch ready!
You’ll get unlimited access to the Challenge so you can go through it in your own pace!
Instant access to COMMUNITY SPACE and RESOURCE LIBRARY, covering topics like: choosing the best idea, designing your offer, finding the best fit platform, recording your materials, creating a launch plan AND MORE.
Explore all of the key steps of creating an online course.