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How to spot money-making activities in your business?

How to spot money-making activities in your business?

Money-making activities is what makes your business go round and round. Do you know which ones exactly are the money-making activities in your business? Are you giving them enough focus?


We often get caught up in updating, reviewing or creating anew, not even stopping for a moment to think – wait, what actually makes money in my business?

Will updating that Sales page for the 5th time will make you money? Sure, maybe one person really cares if the letters on your button are uppercase or letter case. But does this action generates you money?

You may be thinking about a new course or a new offer. Is it because the others make real money and you’re just ready to uplevel? Or do you think that your success is just around the corner and that the NEXT offer will be the best?

Start focusing on money-making activities instead!

How to spot money-making activities in your business?

What are money-making activities?

Of course, you’ll still need to update a Sales page once in a while or create a new product as the need comes along but those are NOT money-making activities in your business. (Unless updating Sales pages is your business)

While other supporting activities ARE important and definitely should be a part of your to-do list, we often focus on all the wrong things, taking them on almost like an escape from the real work.

I used to think that blogging must be a huge part of my business and obsessed over writing tons of regular posts. My blog does create regular traffic and it felt like I can’t let it go. I got obsessed with Pinterest growth.

However, eventually, I discovered that I rarely if ever get leads from my blog posts directly. Most of my clients and course purchases come from my Instagram presence – they either got to the blog from there OR they went there from the blog…

So the amount or regularity of my posting wasn’t all that important…

Sure, it still matters for my SEO scores plus I actually like it. But if I sit down to make a post now, will it result in $$$ tomorrow? Very unlikely.

And while I used to write a blog in each spare moment, now I realized that I should actually shift my focus to Instagram instead…

I realized that making money was never about producing new content over and over again. Instead, it was all about learning to focus on the actual money-making activities!


Think about what you can do to make money – from what you already have – TODAY?

What can you do in the next 6 hours?

What can you do NOW?



Interacting with new people on Instagram leads me to increased website views as they see my profile for the first time. This increases project inquiries and course purchases.

While “being on Instagram” will not always be beneficial per se, if I intentionally connect with new people and spot my exact target audience, my chances of actually seeing real monetary revenue from this action increases by a lot!



Sending out an email about a limited-time special offer for the mailing list only can make additional sales right that second and might take half an hour to set up.

Having your mailing list available is always a major benefit in your business. This way you can reach the biggest part of your audience with one simple message! (Versus social media where only part of your audience will actually see the content)



Doing Q&A Live where everyone can ask me any course-related questions can increase awareness about my offers and expertise, therefore, making more sales.

It can also be a mini-training on Instagram stories with some tips and tricks. Each time you actually talk about what you do, what you know and what you’re offering can only increase the attention to your offers!


Other money-making activities may include…

  • Reaching out to your past customers and sending them an update about your offers and services
  • Checking in with your warm leads and following up about any inquiries
  • Creating new promo material for Instagram stories
  • Creating a Reel related to your offer


How to spot money-making activities?

What exactly will be the most money-making activities in your business will depend on you!

Think about where most of your students or customers come from. What is that final step that often triggers the decision to purchase or work with you?

For some, this might be Live interactions or Webinars. For others, those might be emails or calls.

Once you know what are money-making activities in your business, make sure to allocate enough time for them daily!

You have to talk about the products and offers that you already have!

Stop producing new content just to make money. Instead, spot the money-making activities in your business and focus on those!


Connect with me on Instagram @coursecreationlab and learn more.

Join us in Course Creator Hub if you’re ready to plan, create and scale your digital offers!